- I wish to goodness!
- • I hope [wish] to goodness! Как бы мне хотелось!
Difficulties of the English language (lexical reference) English-Russian dictionary. 2014.
Difficulties of the English language (lexical reference) English-Russian dictionary. 2014.
wish — 1 /wIS/ verb 1 WANT STH IMPOSSIBLE (T) to want something to be true although you know it is either impossible or unlikely: wish (that): I wish I didn t have to go to work today. | wish to goodness spoken (=wish very much): I wish to goodness they … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
good·ness — /ˈgʊdnəs/ noun [noncount] 1 : the quality or state of being good: such as 1 a : the quality or state of being kind, honest, generous, helpful, etc. I believe there is (some) … Useful english dictionary
way — Synonyms and related words: ability, access, ache to, action, actions, activity, acts, address, adit, admission, advance, advancement, advancing, aesthetic distance, affectation, aim, aim at, air, air lock, air space, alley, ambition, ample scope … Moby Thesaurus
desire — Synonyms and related words: Amor, Christian love, Eros, Platonic love, address, admiration, adoration, affection, agape, aim, aim at, ambition, andromania, animus, aphrodisia, appeal, appetence, appetency, appetite, appetition, application, apply … Moby Thesaurus
fancy — Synonyms and related words: Amor, Babylonian, Byzantine, Christian love, Corinthian, Daedalian, Eros, Platonic love, a bit much, abandoned, account as, adept, admiration, adoration, adorned, adroit, affection, affinity, agape, aim at, ambitious,… … Moby Thesaurus
want — Synonyms and related words: absence, ache to, adulteration, aim at, ardor, arrearage, ask, awayness, bare cupboard, bare necessities, bare subsistence, be desirous of, be dying to, be found wanting, be hurting for, be in want, be indicated, be… … Moby Thesaurus
aim at — Synonyms and related words: aim, aspire after, aspire to, barrage, be after, be desirous of, bend, blast, blitz, bombard, cannon, cannonade, choose, commence firing, desiderate, design, desire, destine, determine, direct, directionize, drive at,… … Moby Thesaurus
choose — Synonyms and related words: adopt, aim at, be desirous of, choose to, choosy, co opt, command, covet, crave, cull, decide, decree, delicate, desiderate, desire, determine, elect, embrace, espouse, fancy, fastidious, favor, finical, finicking,… … Moby Thesaurus
favor — Synonyms and related words: OK, abet, abetment, accept, acceptance, accommodate, accomplishment, accord respect to, account, acculturate, acknowledgment, act of courtesy, act of grace, act of kindness, adherence, admiration, admire, adopt,… … Moby Thesaurus
have a mind to — Synonyms and related words: aim at, be desirous of, choose, choose to, command, contemplate, decide, decree, desiderate, desire, determine, envisage, envision, fancy, favor, have designs on, have in mind, have in view, like, love, lust, lust… … Moby Thesaurus
like — Synonyms and related words: Amor, Christian love, Eros, Platonic love, admiration, admire, adoration, adore, adulate, affection, after this fashion, agape, agnate, aim at, akin, alike, all one, all the same, allied, ally, along these lines, alter … Moby Thesaurus